Most Christian stations don't do an effective job of cross promoting their On-Air sound and content with their website. They don't know why they should or how to do it. But cross promoting is an easy and powerful tactic for building web traffic and on air ratings. Find out all the ins and outs of cross-promoting here.
Here are some basic suggestions and rules that will do 2 things: increase your ratings and increase website traffic. Both can build each other.
- FIRST RULE: Whatever is a big deal on the air needs to be a big deal on the website. (But don't have too many "priorities." Keep BOTH simple and focused.)
Often when I listen to a radio station then I look at the website, they remind me of those "diet coke"commercials from years ago: The idea of the commercials was some Diet Coke executives wanted to sue the Coke Brand for "taste infringement."
The humor is that though they were with the same company, the 2 branches were on different pages. Even competing against each other.
That was funny. What is not funny is when a radio station and the station's website almost seem like they are with two different entities. Many stations have one agenda on the air and another thing going on with the website.
This is nonsense. The 2 should be in sync. Both should be on the same page and both aggressively promoting the other.
An example from one station: There was a huge music festival they had been advertising on the air. It was happening the next weekend. But the website did not even mention it.
I remember one station I was consulting had a massive grand prize giveaway for a weekend giveaway for a couple- coming up in a few days. It was talked about a lot on the air. But it was only a tiny link buried way down on the home page!
So get the website and on-air announcers and announcements on the same page. Start there. It's really no more complex than that. It's not that stations don't know how to do this. They just don't make the effort.
- Second Rule: Have only ONE place for listeners to go for ALL information:Your website home page.
Stop giving one website for this PSA, a phone number for that sponsor, an email address for that church conference, and a different website for a concert coming up.
Stop it. And stop it now! Use ONLY ONE WEBSITE: your home page. It should flow out of your announcers mouths as predictably as the sunrise:
"For all details and ticket information, go to our website at"
Your sponsors may not be thrilled about this initially, but it will benefit them more in the long haul. Your listeners will love this: knowing they can go to only ONE PLACE for information on ANYTHING you talk about on the air!
- 3rd rule: give listeners reasons to go to your website.
MAINLY constantly encourage them to go to the website and sign up for your newsletter. This is VERY important!
Yes. A NEWSLETTER. You need one. And you need to get serious about it. This is a POWERFUL tool to hold on to current listeners.
A newsletter will allow you to develop an off-air relationship with your listeners. (See article: Building listeners through a monthly newsletter.)
4TH rule: SEND PEOPLE FROM YOUR WEBSITE to your on air station.
Many people bouncing around on Google or other search engines will end up on your website. Do they know how to get to your station? From your website, can they tell what you offer as a Christian radio station?
So- very simply: After people get to your site, TELL THEM WHO YOU ARE and how to get to your station. This cross promotion between your on air station and your website will make your listeners happy.
It will eventually bring up your ratings and increase your income.
(Look for other related articles on website optimization and setting up 2 different landing pages for non-listeners and non- believers.)
-Rick McConnell
(Articles provided by Rick McConnell. Starting in Christian Radio in 1978, he has been doing voice overs since 1986 through his company, Monumental Studios in Denver Colorado. Find out more about the Imaging Package called "Airshow", Voice and Production Depot and more, by CLICKING HERE)
(Articles provided by Rick McConnell. Starting in Christian Radio in 1978, he has been doing voice overs since 1986 through his company, Monumental Studios in Denver Colorado. Find out more about the Imaging Package called "Airshow", Voice and Production Depot and more, by CLICKING HERE)