Why you need MORE announcer voices and how to get them for free.

 I will give it to you straight: You, like most stations put your announcers on almost all your promos or spots. That is a big mistake. A very big mistake. For reasons too long to go into, it cheapens your station sound, weakens your impact, burns out your announcers, and in the long run, COSTS you money. 

FIRST- as I have stated in other articles, DO LESS at your station BUT do it with more quality. And more quality means (do I have to beg you?) STOP using your own announcer voices. Hire a few outside voices and it will pay off by increasing your station's on air quality. (check out my Voice and Production Depot Service.)

Don't assume that you will have to pay big bucks to a voice person to get fresh voices on your station. Here is the FASTEST way to add new voices to your air sound: SWAP Voices with other stations.

Trade similar quality voices and just email MP3s back and forth. You might have to "wheel and deal" a bit. What if they have a great female voice talent- and she's already pretty busy. You may have to offer 2 voices spots for her one.

When I was a young P.D. in Amarillo, Texas I didn't have a budget to pay for outside announcers. So I contacted some other stations in the state and asked if they wanted to swap voices. It worked great! It freshened our sound quite a bit.

I've since worked little deals with several stations to swap voices. We will be setting up a site soon for those interested in "swapping" voices with other stations.

-Rick McConnell 

   (Articles provided by Rick McConnell. Starting in Christian Radio in 1978, he has been doing voice overs since 1986 through his company, Monumental Studios in Denver Colorado. Find out more about the Imaging Package called "Airshow", Voice and Production Depot and more, by CLICKING HERE)