Every station is required to run PSAs. BUT, the FCC gives no hard fast rules on which ones to run. SO, since you have to run them (and DO want to run some) create some groundrules for which ones you will run. Run those that are MOST LIKELY to be of interest to the largest number of your listeners.
Maybe it's out of some old sense of "duty" that we throw in every Public Service Announcement sent to the station. BUT ALL P.S.A.s ARE NOT THE SAME!! SOME should not be aired and SOME should be aired a LOT! Be prepared to bite the bullet and throw many or most of them out.
Then put them in 2 categories:
Category One: These are PSAs that the announcers will read. They MUST be great events that most of your listeners will interested in. Have only about 5 to 7 of them in rotation. GIVE most focus on the events coming up THAT WEEK. Don't be reading PSAs for events that are 3 weeks to over a month away. (Leave out: knitting classes, dog washes, bake sales, and most new "series" of classes or sermons at churches
Category Two: 7-10 other "lesser events: will be recorded and rotated on a "community bulletin board" type announcement. STILL be picky about this.
All the rest needs to be thrown out. Do not litter your station sound with every little PSA that crosses your desk. Just a handful need to make it on the air.
TREAT YOUR PSAs as a way to "image your station." Listeners will perceive that you are engaged BUT you won't bore them with trivial happenings that very few are interested in.
-Rick McConnell
(Articles provided by Rick McConnell. Starting in Christian Radio in 1978, he has been doing voice overs since 1986 through his company, Monumental Studios in Denver Colorado. Find out more about the Imaging Package called "Airshow", Voice and Production Depot and more, by CLICKING HERE)
(Articles provided by Rick McConnell. Starting in Christian Radio in 1978, he has been doing voice overs since 1986 through his company, Monumental Studios in Denver Colorado. Find out more about the Imaging Package called "Airshow", Voice and Production Depot and more, by CLICKING HERE)