There are "button pushers" in cars that run across your station. In the same way there are "button pushers" on the internet- looking for stations like yours. Thousands of them. But your website MUST be carefully "optimized" to allow them to find you! Read this vital article to make this happen in the next few weeks.
The great folks at Google (and the other search engines) have made an incredible offer for your Christian Radio station: They will give you thousands of dollars of free advertising to bring quite a few new folks to your website (and eventually to your station.)
They have a simple request: Just play by their rules. Just a few of them. A very generous deal. But Most Christian stations don't know about it. They are still waiting for people to discover their website by accident. I get so bummed when I google a station in a market and can't find them OR I find them on other radio "listings" that aren't what I am looking for.
Below are the rules of the search engines that allow you to "optimize" your website to draw in more listeners. Implement them and they should bring you to the top of the search engines within 2 or 3 weeks.
1) "Under the hood" of your web page are "blanks" that your web designer needs to fill in: titles, meta tags etc. Those are for YOUR benefit. MOST Christian stations do not even have them filled out. So they are almost invisible to search engines. Below are some of those blanks you need to fill in regarding the "code" of your home page.
For example, no need for your title bar to say, "WBNJ" Search engines work best on DESCRIPTIONS not titles. Here is a better approach: "Christian Radio for Winston Salem, North Carolina. WBNJ"
3) Meta-tags and Key Words: Craft them to draw in your listeners. Simply use
4) Choose "Key Words and phrases" Similar to create words and phrases people might GENERALLY use to find a good Christian station: example:" WBFJ: Great Christian Family Radio for Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Great Christian radio for your family. WBFJ."
5) A final rule to get search engines: They LOVE "inbound links." (People putting a link on THEIR web page linking to yours.) The best way: Facebook and twitter. You might also ask ANY business partners to add a link on their pages to yours. This brings your further up in the search engines.
-Rick McConnell
(Articles provided by Rick McConnell. Starting in Christian Radio in 1978, he has been doing voice overs since 1986 through his company, Monumental Studios in Denver Colorado. Find out more about the Imaging Package called "Airshow", Voice and Production Depot and more, by CLICKING HERE)